Gasboy GOLD


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File Name Title Download
MDE-4736D.pdf MDE-4736D FlexPay™ EPP Heater Kit, Card Reader, and UPM Heater Kit Installation Instructions · 11/17
This manual provides instructions to install the FlexPay™ Encrypting PIN Pad (EPP) Heater Kit (M08631K001), Card Reader Heater (M11243B001), and Universal Payment Module (UPM) Heater Kits (M14778K001, M14778K002, and M14778K003) on Encore® 300/500/500 S/S E-CIM™, Eclipse®, and The Advantage® Series units.
MDE-4780D.pdf MDE-4780D FlexPay™ EPP and SCR Kit (EPK ECIM RF) Installation Instructions for Encore® S E-CIM™ · 12/15
This manual provides instructions to install a FlexPay Encrypting PIN Pad (EPP) and Secure Card Reader (SCR) Kit in Encore® S E-CIM™ unit.
MDE-4784D.pdf MDE-4784D FlexPay ™ Encrypting PIN Pad Start-up and Service Manual · 12/11
MDE-4792D.pdf MDE-4792D - FlexPay ™ Encrypting PIN Pad (EPP) and Secure Card Reader (SCR) Kit (EPK EN3 RF) Installation Instructions for Encore ® 300 · 8/13
This document provides instructions to install a FlexPay™ EPP and SCR Kit (EPK EN3 RF) in Encore® 300 units
MDE-4799.pdf MDE-4799 FlexPay ™ Encrypting PIN Pad (EPP) Mapping Cables · 10/08
This document provides information regarding the cables that are used to map EPP.
MDE-4825D.pdf MDE-4825D FlexPay EPP/ADA Card Reader Kit (EPK ADA RF) Installation Manual for The Advantage Series · 09/11
This manual provides instructions for installing the FlexPay Encrypting PIN Pad (EPP)/ADA Card Reader Kit on The Advantage Series dispensers
MDE-4975B.pdf MDE-4975B Card Reader Gasket Replacement Selection Instructions · 05/15
This manual provides instructions to select the appropriate gasket from the kit (based on the dispenser) when replacing a card reader.
MDE-5040J.pdf MDE-5040J FlexPay™ II CRIND® Retrofit Kit Installation Instructions for Encore® 500 S/E-CIM™ • 11/17
This manual provides instructions to install the FlexPay™ II CRIND® Retrofit Kits in Encore® 500 S and E-CIM™ 5.7-inch and 10.4-inch color screen units.
MDE-5068A.pdf MDE-5068A Encore 300/Encore 500 FlexPay EPP Keypad Switch Activation Kit (M08399K001) Installation Instructions • 10/13
This document provides instructions to install the Encore 300/Encore 500 FlexPay Encrypting PIN Pad (EPP) Keypad Switch Activation Kit (M08399K001).
MDE-5082C.pdf MDE-5082C Dispenser Gasket and Weather Shield Kits (M12962K0XX) Installation Instructions for Encore® S/E-CIM™/700 • 12/14
This manual provides instructions to install the following Dispenser Gasket Kits (M12962K0XX) on Encore S/E-CIM/700 units.
MDE-5133.pdf MDE-5133 Replacing SPOT PCI 1.3 Keypad with SPOT PCI 2.X Keypad (M13118K002/M13118K005 Kit Installation Instructions) for Encore 300/500 • 01/14
This manual provides instructions to install the Secure PIN Pad for Outdoor Terminal (SPOT) Payment Card Industry (PCI) 2.X Keypad Installation Kit (M13118K002/M13118K005) on the Encore 300/500 dispenser.
MDE-5134B.pdf MDE-5134B Replacing SPOT PCI 1.3 Keypad with SPOT PCI 2.X Keypad (M13118K003/M13118K004 Kit Installation Instructions) for The Advantage/Wayne/Encore S Enhanced Series • 07/20
This manual provides instructions to install the Secure PIN Pad for Outdoor Terminal (SPOT) Payment Card Industry (PCI) 2.X Keypad Installation Kit (M13118K003/M13118K004) on The Advantage/Wayne/Encore S Enhanced Series dispenser.
MDE-5164A.pdf MDE-5164A Desktop Payment Simulator Manual • 01/16
This manual provides block diagrams and wiring information for the Desktop Payment Simulator (DPS). The DPS is designed for system integrators. It is capable of simulating fuel sales without piping and hydraulic components attached.
MDE-5188A.pdf MDE-5188A PIN Pad Door Boss Repair Kit (M07450K998) Installation Instructions · 10/15
This manual provides instructions to repair broken, stripped, or cracked PIN pad mounting bosses using the PIN Pad Door Boss Repair Kit (M07450K998) in Encore® E-CIM™ dispensers.
MDE-5288C.pdf MDE-5288C Universal 5.7-inch Display Assembly Installation Instructions for FlexPay™ II/IV CRIND® · 09/19
This manual provides instructions to use the 5.7-inch Display Assembly (M13754A002) to replace a defective display for FlexPay™ II or FlexPay IV CRIND®.
MDE-5367B.pdf MDE-5367B UX410 Contactless Card Reader Kit Installation Instructions for Encore® S E-CIM™, Encore 300/500 with FlexPay™ II CRIND® · 04/21
This manual provides instructions to install the UX410 Contactless Card Reader (CCR) Kit on dispensers with FlexPay™ II CRIND®.
P-2646.pdf P-2646 - Secure Alphanumeric Keypad Brochure