Gasboy GOLD


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File Name Title Download
MDE-5412C.pdf MDE-5412C Passport® EDGE Installation and Start-up Manual· 02/19
This manual provides instructions for: •The importance of “Why a site survey is needed prior to installing the Passport® Edge and Secure Zone Router (SZR)” •How to properly install the Passport Edge Hardware with the SZR •How to configure the Passport Edge to support communication between Passport Edge server and clients, PIN pads, dispensers, Impulse™, Applause™ Media System, Automated Tank Gauge (ATG), Tank Monitors, and other site LAN devices
P-2559.pdf P-2559 Passport EDGE Product Info Sheet
Passport EDGE two page brochure
P-2674A Windows 10 Passport Suite Flyer.pdf P-2674A - Windows 10 Passport Suite Flyer
Overview of the Windows 10 Upgrade for Version 20 and higher of the Passport Suite.